What to Do If You Find Stray Kittens
With warmer weather comes kittens. While Larimer Humane Society advocates that cats be kept indoors (for a variety of reasons), the truth is that cats still roam the neighborhoods across our communities. That also means that cats without a home…

5 Ways You Can Support Fire Hydrant 5K
Larimer Humane Society’s 30th annual Fire Hydrant 5K is right around the corner, and while this flagship event looks a little different than in past years, its mission remains the same – celebrating pets and people across our community while…

What You Can Do Now to Help Prevent Separation Anxiety in Your Pets
We’ve all seen the jokes about how tired our dogs are of being walked and how our cats are ready for us to return back to work, leaving them to relish in the house undisturbed. While these are largely untrue (we have to believe that the majority…

Meet Lola, the Fire Hydrant 5K Spokes-Dog!
Every year during Larimer Humane Society’s Fire Hydrant 5K, the person who raises the most money is awarded the honor of having the dog of their choice featured as the official spokes-dog for that year's Fire Hydrant 5K.
Fire Hydrant…