Everyone is keeping up the great attitude as we work to ensure we help as many animals as we can during this pandemic.

Got to make sure that the shelter stays in tip-top shape, and that these rabbits are nice and comfy.

Can you give kisses while holding a toy in your mouth? If you are Dinosaur the dog, yes, you can! Getting some extra attention from our Behavior Coordinator, Heather.

The Client Services team is holding down the fort on the Intake side of the shelter while also helping folks find their lost companion animals.

With some of our service changes, including temporarily halting our volunteer shifts, staff are stepping in to assist other departments. Client Services has been supporting the Licensing team in a big way with data entry!

Our licensing team is all smiles while keeping a safe, social distance. They remind you to ensure your pet has a current license–it’s their ticket back home to you if they get lost!

In an effort to reduce the amount of people within the building, many of our staff members have been working from home! This is where our marketing, development, events, and humane education team usually sits.

Our Animal Care team is working hard to keep the animals at the shelter comfortable, safe, and engaged.