What is Enrichment?

April 23, 2024 - Written by NOCO Humane's Weld Campus Behavior Team: Kiyoka Tamesue, PSM, KPA-CTP and Julia Pinckney, MSc. If you’re an animal lover, you’ve likely heard or seen the term “enrichment” in the context of animal welfare;…

What is a Catio?

April 22, 2024 - How 'catios' can enhance your cat's health and behavior Thank you to Cat Topia for guest writing this blog, as part of one of our sponsorship programs. To learn more about Cat Topia, visit thecattopia.com. In the quest…

Happy Tail: Oliver

April 17, 2024 - Happy Tails are one of the greatest accomplishments of an animal shelter - being able to see the joy, inspiration, and love that an animal, once in our care, brought to the community. This Happy Tail is no exception. Learn…

Pet Poison Prevention

March 12, 2024 - March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month, providing us with a valuable opportunity to discuss the importance of keeping our pets safe around potentially harmful substances. There are a handful of everyday household items…

Happy Tail: Milo

February 22, 2024 - At NOCO Humane, the adoption process includes questions about a family's lifestyle and expectations for a new pet. We do this to ensure each adoption is a great fit for both the animal and the adoptive family as they embark…

Celebrating Love: How Do Our Pets Like to Receive Attention?

February 14, 2024 - Thank you to Happy Trails Pet Spa & Resort for guest writing this blog, as part of our monthly Business Partner Program. Learn more about Happy Trails here.  If you’ve ever had a pet, you might have done things…

Princess & Rambo Find Home

January 18, 2024 - In early November of 2023, NOCO Humane became home to a bonded pair of sweet and loving pit bulls, Princess and Rambo. Surrendered by their owner of eight years, Princess and Rambo were forced to start over and find a family…

Fitness For Our Furry Friends

Welcome to 2024! From your friends at NOCO Humane, we hope that your holiday season was wonderful and that you are ready to embrace a new year! It is common to make resolutions around health, so today we are focusing on the physical and mental…

A Message From Our CEO: We Need Your Help

November 11, 2023 d Dear Community,   Post-pandemic, shelters across the country have been continuously challenged to balance an influx of animals with limited resources. Here at NOCO Humane, our staff have worked diligently…

Meet the first pet adopted at NOCO Humane Weld Campus!

Seven-month-old Sympathy – a German shepherd and Labrador retriever, mix – was the first to find her forever home when NOCO Humane’s new Weld Campus opened for adoptions on October 9, 2023. Rebecca Sherwood from Estes Park was the lucky…