Join Wiley Roots Brewing Company for their first ever HALLOWEEN PET PARTY!!
Halloween isn’t just for the humans anymore…I mean, we’ve all seen the adorable pet costumes while shopping for our own. So, start working on your pet’s Halloween costume, and join us on Saturday, October 28th for our PET COSTUME CONTEST! We will have TWO time blocks for the contest so that your pets don’t get too tired or overwhelmed. The time blocks will be from 12-2PM and 2-4PM, and we will choose 3 winners for each. Winning prizes will be for “Most Original”, “Cutest”, and “Scariest” – so get creative! But that’s not all – we will also post a picture of every willing pet on our stories so that everyone has a chance to vote for an overall crowd favorite to be announced at 4PM! There will be prizes for YOU and YOUR PET! Because we know the humans are really showing up for the beer…but our pets are looking for new toys and yummy treats! And you heard it right…PET – not just dogs! All well-behaved, leashed pets are welcome! If you want to confirm your pet is allowed, just send us a message! BUT THERE’S EVEN MORE!!! We’ll also be teaming up with NOCO Humane , formerly known as Larimer Humane Society! We will be donating a portion of the beer sales from the day, and they will have an info/donation booth set up!