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Volunteer Fire Evacuation Safety Plan - Larimer Campus
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The purpose of this plan is to provide for the safe and orderly evacuation of volunteers in the event of a fire. This plan contains procedures on how to report a fire, what to do, and who will assist you. The procedures outlined in this plan are to be followed unless otherwise directed by police or fire department officials. In order to establish a safe and orderly plan of evacuation, employees and volunteers should become familiar with the building’s emergency equipment and this emergency plan.
This plan has been developed with the knowledge that there is no such thing as a “fire-proof” building and that education, preparation, and rehearsal are essential to a successful fire
evacuation plan.
Important Numbers for Evacuation
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ANIMAL PROTECTION & CONTROL SUPERVISOR On-Call Cell: 970.215.8774 and 970.222.6102
FACILITIES CONTROL: Director of Operations-Jen Valentine, 970.818.1666 (Cell), Facilities and Maintenance Supervisor-Patrick Eastman, 970.297.8767
Safety and Emergency Manager duties (direct oversight by Director of Operations)
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o Ensure basic provisions of the fire plan are disseminated to all persons in the organization.
o Ensures appropriate training is scheduled and arrangements are made with the local fire department for training.
o Coordinates and directs fire evacuation drills with the approval of the Director of Operations, CEO, and Safety Team.
o Takes all necessary actions to ensure the organization operates safely during emergencies.
Fire Alarm Description
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o This facility is equipped with a fire alarm system to notify all occupants of a fire emergency. It is also monitored by a 3rd party company that will notify 911 if the alarm is activated. 911 should still be called by staff as well.
o When the alarm sounds, it will notify both visually and audibly.
o The audible alarm is very loud and unmistakable. It will be heard from anywhere in the building.
o The visual alarms are mounted on walls and ceilings throughout the building and will flash bright strobe lights.
o Both visual and audible alarms will activate simultaneously.
Fire Suppression System
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o This building is equipped with an excellent fire suppression system. Once the fire suppression system detects a fire it will automatically activate the sprinklers. The sprinklers are located throughout the building and look like white round disks in the ceiling.
o Once the sprinklers are activated the disks will pop out of the ceiling exposing the sprinkler and will immediately begin to spray water 360 degrees.
o The fire alarm itself does not activate the sprinklers. They only activate when heat from a fire is detected.
o The water from the sprinklers will make the floors slippery, so use caution while exiting the building.
List of Major Fire Hazards
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Fire Hazard Location
o Oxygen tanks inside closet near sally port (north hallway)
o Oxygen flow/Oxygen in use Surgery Suite
o Hay in Barn
o Electrical kitchen appliances in Break Room, Community Room, Main Conference Room
o Various flammable liquids in Shed, Sally Port
o Lint traps in dryers in Laundry room, Vet Services
Preventative Maintenance
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o The automatic sprinkler system is inspected annually by a certified contractor and any deficiencies are corrected.
o The alarm system is inspected annually and any deficiencies are corrected.
o All fire extinguishers are inspected monthly by Safety Team and all fire extinguishers are inspected annually by a certified contractor and serviced if necessary.
o Emergency lighting and exit signs are tested and maintained monthly by the Safety and Emergency Manager. The Facilities and Maintenance Supervisor is back-up, as needed.
o All testing and paperwork is filed and available at the request of the fire department.
o All flammable liquids are kept in appropriate containers and stored properly.
o Cigarettes should only be extinguished in appropriate receptacles.
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o Fire Evacuation Drills: Fire evacuation drills are conducted without notice and under varying conditions. It is mandatory that all staff and volunteers participate, as well as any clients and
students in the building. Before each drill, the Safety and Emergency Manager will contact the fire department and alarm company on non-emergency numbers to notify them of the impending drill activity. Records of the drill will be kept on file with the Director of Operations. Upon completion of the drill, the Incident Commander will alert all persons that it is safe to re-enter the building. No person will re-enter the building before this alert. The Safety and Emergency Manager will also notify the fire department when the drill has concluded, and we have resumed normal operations.
o Volunteer Training: All volunteers, upon being interviewed, will receive training related to this fire evacuation plan, its procedures, and volunteer-specific duties. It is the responsibility of all Managers, Supervisors, Leads, and Direct Volunteer Supervisors to review this plan with their personnel and ensure their personnel
receive a copy of this document and are familiar with the plan, its procedures, and safety protocol. Records are tracked and
maintained by the Volunteer and Humane Education Program Manager.
Responsibilities of Incident Commander
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The below staff are the direct contacts for a fire emergency. If these staff members are not on duty, the Incident Commander will be the next highest level manager or supervisor on duty.
These individuals will be responsible for exercising command responsibilities, controlling the building systems on request, and being the liaison to the fire department for the organization.
o DO
o Other available Director
o Safety and Emergency Manager
o Shelter Manager
o Managers
o Supervisors
o Leads
Responsibilities of Point of Contact in Evacuation Areas
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The highest-ranking individual in the evacuation zone will be the contact for that said zone:
o Directors
o Managers
o Supervisors
o Leads
o Exercises command responsibilities for the accountability procedures in this plan.
o Gather accountability for Evacuation Meeting Area
o Communicate accountability information to the incident commander
Responsibilities of All Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Coordinators, and Leads
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1. It is the responsibility of all Direct Volunteer Supervisors and Volunteer and Humane Education Manager to make sure your volunteers are present and accounted for at the Evacuation Meeting areas.
2. It is the responsibility of Animal Care Supervisors, Shelter Supervisors, and Shelter Manager to make sure any Community Service Volunteers are present and accounted for at the Evacuation Meeting areas.
3. It is the responsibility of the on-duty veterinarian to make sure any vet students are present and accounted for at the Evacuation Meeting areas.
4. It is the responsibility of the Safety and Emergency Manager to utilize our Emergency Communications System to push notifications to staff, as requested.
5. Ensure that all employees, volunteers, and the public have evacuated the area/floor and closed doors behind you as you exit the building.
6. Keep evacuees calm and organized at the Evacuation Meeting Areas.
7. Once accountability has been taken, notify the senior supervisor or director of any unaccounted-for individuals.
8. Report all issues to the Point of Contact at the Evacuation Meeting Area (missing persons, medical issues). The point of contact will pass along any information to the Incident Commander (IC) for the Fire Department.
Responsibilities of Volunteers
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1. Volunteers are responsible for getting themselves out of the building quickly, safely, and carefully.
2. If located on the second floor, only use the stairs to evacuate, and use the handrails. Check the Area of Refuge before evacuating this floor, if safe to do so.
3. Do not attempt to use the elevator; it will shut down during an emergency.
4. Assist all physically challenged people in an emergency evacuation. The Area of Refuge on the top of the North West stairwell has a call box that goes directly to our 3rd party alarm company which will alert the Fire Department if anyone needs assistance.
5. Assemble at the Evacuation Meeting Areas and stay there. Once in a Meeting Area, you do not change or leave the Area.
6. Notify supervisors of any injuries or known missing persons.
7. Do not bring personal items unless already on your person.
It is the responsibility of Directors, Managers, Supervisors, and Leads to account for all personnel that have evacuated. These people will coordinate swift communication between Meeting Areas to account for personnel.
What to do during a Fire Emergency Step-by-Step
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Evacuation Routes:
Safety Maps, which include evacuation routes, have been posted in each work area and throughout the building. The following information is marked on the safety maps.
1. Emergency exits are identified by red arrows on the map.
2. Exits not approved as Emergency Fire Exits are marked with a red X.
3. Primary and secondary evacuation routes
4. Locations of fire extinguishers
o Site personnel and volunteers should know all evacuation routes.
1. If a fire is discovered and the alarm has not yet been activated:
o Get to a safe place and notify the local Fire Department by calling 911. You can also activate 911 by pressing the emergency call button on either the alarm keypad located at the west employee entrance and the sally port or the panic buttons under the intake desks.
2. If safe and able, notify the site personnel about the fire emergency by the following
o Verbal Communication as you are moving toward exits
o Building intercom system: dial 5570 on any desk phone. When paging you will hear a beep. If you don’t wait for the beep your message will be cut off. State your message “Fire Evacuate Building, Fire Evacuate Building” clearly and calmly twice.
3. Upon being notified about the fire emergency, all persons must:
o Leave the building using the designated escape routes IMMEDIATELY. Routes are highlighted in the safety maps and maps are posted throughout the building. Remember the term “Get out, Stay out”! In other words, do not go back into the building. Do not stop to grab personal belongings. Touch doors with the back of your hand before opening them. If hot, keep it closed and find another escape route.
o Assemble at one of the two designated outside Evacuation Meeting Areas and report to a point of contact at the Meeting Area for roll call.
a. Location for Evacuation Meeting Area 1 is on the East side of the building at the dog park entrance.
b. Location for Evacuation Meeting Area 2 is on the South side of the building in the Staff and Volunteer parking lot.
o If you are unable to get out of the building using a designated route on the map because of a barrier (fire or debris), use any other door to escape, then attempt to rally at an assigned Meeting Area. Attempt frequent communication via cell phone to alert them of your location.
o If your only route of escape is anything other than the designated evacuation routes, you will be behind an enclosed fence; attempt to communicate your location to others and reach an Evacuation Meeting Area.
a. There are Human gates that you can exit with a combination code.
o Remain outside until the competent authority (Incident Commander of Larimer Humane Society) announces that it is safe to re-enter the building.
o There are two security gates in the building, one at the bottom of the main stairway and the other in the adoption hallway near the Client Services office.
a. If you are located upstairs you can turn the dial on the gate and lift up. This will not prevent you from escaping down the main staircase.
b. The adoption lobby gate will open from the west side. If the only way out of the building is through the adoption lobby, the gate will lift up and you can evacuate the building.
Animal Evacuation Procedure
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1. Evacuate animals ONLY if they are in your immediate possession. For example, if you are walking a dog, do not attempt to return it to its kennel. If you do not have an animal, do not go to a kennel to get one.
2. If the Fire Department deems that it is safe to go back into the building the Incident Commander will orchestrate an orderly process for animal evacuations to occur (if necessary).
This facility is equipped with an excellent fire suppression system to mitigate the loss of animal life and property. It is of the utmost importance that YOU get out safely!
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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